Thursday, January 21, 2016

LAUSD Services 

One of the many things that LAUSD provide's for many schools that are under its wing,(Also means protection and demand) many activity's like during after school tutoring, having social clubs during school or after or even having marching band and one of the things is, many parents don't have any transportation vehicles, there is a wager that if the parents were to fill that wager, LAUSD are able to send bus to pick up your children and head off to school, for those who don't or afford a vehicle. The next thing I want to talk about is sports, many schools have their own sports team and when they have their own sports team they often represent their school which is a good thing, mostly I heard that some schools that are not LAUSD do it for the money ( but that's what I heard  probably not true.) So those are the many things that I can come up with for the mean while.            

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