Wellness Specialist
Duties and Responsibilities:Wellness specialists work for schools, local governments, companies or other organizations to suggest, support and train people on their health and fitness goals.
Salary: The Hourly pay is (15.77/hr) and the annual is ($49,480)
Education: A wellness specialist often has a degree in a related discipline such as nursing, fitness or sports medicine.
Reflection: would I like to be one? Why and why not?
The answer is simple, I lack one of the requirements and that requirements is patience, patience is one of the things I lack of, do to my activeness I can't be in one position, I’m more of a got to go kind of guy but sooner or later I will have to acquire this skill no matter the cost, but that's later in life I have to be worry about that, but for now I’ll just keep going with the things I have.
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