Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Pyramid of Success


"There is no substitute for hard work. Worthwhile results come from hard work and careful planning." as once said these famous words By John wooden himself... but what does these words mean you might of asked, these words mean you cant replace something hard to do with something so easy yet so simple and yet anybody can do with in a matter of seconds, a good results can only come by with hard work results and nothing can get good results with hard work results. Another thing I want to point out is that by copying another person's long work does not make you a hard worker or not even close to be one.   What this essentially means that you have to be fired up to do something in a activity because if you were to do something that you dint like whats the whole point of you trying to do something if you don't like doing it, find something that like doing then be pumped up about so that you can work on it so efficiently so well at. Doing something that you like can benefit your work habit and can get things done more faster that usual, it can benefit you by making something you work on into something you like doing so daily. But also if you want to do something so badly in life, you have to show some Enthusiasm into it so that people can hire you into it, showing Enthusiasm can really make people hire you for a job that you want. without showing it really looks like your just really bored.   What I can guess from what this quote means, is that you cant be to naive that it will last you forever but the only way to maintain it is to truly respect one another, thought ideas and dreams. And as they say team work makes the dream work because once you paired up with somebody you cant be unbeatable and the fun never ends so you can never lose on a battle, there inst a lot of things to say about friend ship but the only way I can really explain what it means is to experience it first handed. Someone who is loyal is reliable and always true, like your trusty dog, something that sticks to your side to the very end and do not get it mixed up with friendship because they are completely different and they are like yin and yang, well not even close but to show one's loyal is to be dedicated to its cause like a solider to its country, they just do it for honor but for that person in general or to the country. One person can prove his loyalty to ones country by showing it through his missions by completing it but to be loyalty is to by die by the sword and to live off of it. Cooperation is the key to success in many ways, like for an example your working with your friend in a job or somebody that your co worker and you both have to install some components into a machinery and that piece of machinery is really huge and both of you have to be communicating with each other and making sure that each new installed components are showing up in the computer making sure that every thing is placed correctly and not making a fatal error in doing so. So both of you have to talk to each other making sure that every thing is in the all clear zone. So with all that being said for an example now you have clear example of what working with each other or group of members, so with all being said " Team work makes the dream work." So yeah theses are a few things that you can learn off from the pyramid of success.  

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