Friday, March 18, 2016

Student Success Statement

"Character matters most."
-Date Murphy 

Reflection: Whats important is that without having a personality, people wont take you serious when you tried to do things you want to do, but if you have a good heart people will recognize you, because everyone knows that you have a kind heart and people will do certain things with you but not all people, it takes time to gain someone's trust, also people would like to be around you everyone time, people will start to trust you and sort of make you leader of some kind I guess, It's nice to have a kind heart, but some people would make fun of you because, they think your gullible enough to make you do certain stuff for them even nasty stuff...That's why I prefer the strict way instead, that way not many people will think that your dumb enough to something for them.    

Wednesday, March 16, 2016


One of the few thing's that I sort of achieve was to keep pushing forward even though that the odd's are sometimes against me, What keeps me from going and pushing well, every time that I look at the future I've imagine to myself that where would I be, that scare's me to think that I would be somewhere that I don't want to be at, that's just me thinking a little bit hard on myself, I'm pretty shear that there's a lot of opportunities in the future that I would want to be in, but if it's the paradise that I always seek for, then there's something to live for, I have to see it in my own eye's and if I die not seeing it, well I'll have a biggest grudge on myself for not seeing it and the options I gave myself for not be able to see it.     

Friday, March 4, 2016

Student Success Statement 

In acting well

"Act well your part; There all honor lies."
-Alexander Pope

Reflection: What this quote actually means is, when you do something right, people will remember what you've done, they might say "job will done dude" it's a way of someone praising you  or giving you honor because you done something good that people will remember for, that way later on the future they might even ask you for assistants because they can rely on you to do sertin stuff, and that's what this quote means.      
Nursing Home Administrator

Duties and Responsibilities:  The Responsibilities of a N-H-A is to provide assistant's to elderly people who cannot be able to take care of theme self's or provide the ability to move to certain places.

Salary: $ $103,544 ( Depends on what kind of title you have.)

Education: Bachelor's degree 

Reflection: would I like to be one myself?  the answer to that would no, reasons to that is there is more things about this before like my dad he's a senior and I know what he's been suffering from a disease and the things that he has endure with a N-H-A is really not comfortable to look at so I don't want to relive to moment so there's that.  

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Student Success Statement

"Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation for 'tis  better to be alone than in bad company."
-George Washington

Response: What I think what it means is that it's not good to be alone if your different than the people that you are with, be with people that are way better than the group you are with, people that good in sort of things such as having good heart, because being with people that are nothing but trouble does not make your life interesting at all, in other words walk with people that will change something during the future or people that can make a difference out of the world because those people are born for good in other destined for greatness, but if you assist to walk with the people that are nothing than fools your life is meaningless, walk with people that are good.