Thursday, February 25, 2016

Student Success Statement

'If you do what's right,if  you love the right way you'll be taken care of."
-Rachel Castillo 
Response: what am guessing what this quote means is that when you do good in life and to others, they will watch your back, or even protect you from harm, that's what am guessing from this quote but it does make logical seance that other would protect you, so the more you keep up the good work the more you would be safe from bad things and that the good thing about choosing the right... good will come towards you and you'll live quit the good life, that's the value of being good life that others will be at your side even the most deepest moments in your life( somethings that are best to quit about when it comes to having allies because i ques that i'm like a snake because i back-stab them and that's really depressing and I have to deal with that to the rest of my life but now i have friends that I don't back-stab them and i'm happy about that.)   

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Student Success Statement

"In life as in football, you won't go far, unless you know where goalposts are."
-Arnold H. Glasgow

Response: what he meant is quit true, with out the goalpost in the football yard there wont be any were to run towards, just like in life without your goals you wont be able to go any were, but standing in that one position, so this actually makes seines, so with the things you want in life are not going to come to reality without having any goals to run to, this quote does help the ones who are struggling to reach their goals, I personally respect this man for what he wrote.   

Friday, February 19, 2016

Student Success Statement

"Only Those live who do good."
-Count Leo Tolstoy

Response: What this means is that people who do good in there life's can live most extraordinary life's in other words they will stick around to see the good in life, something that I wont probably stick around for but I can make that happen, I mean look Chuck Norris he's 75 years old and he's still up at at him that's because he good things in his life like eat healthy, Something that I wont stick around for that's depressing  for me but we can strive for that goal if we do good in life and chose the healthy chooses but it's going to to take a long time for that and That what Count Leo wanted in people to do, ( You can do anything you want to do if you set your mind up to it,)    

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Student Success Statement

"What's right isn't always popular.What's popular isn't always right."
- Albert Einstein

Response: What are dear old friend Albert wanted to say is that when you do something right it's not going to be known as something you did right it's just going to be normal thing, because it's a normal thing that we Humans mostly do all the time, so it's not going to be a known for a long time (think of it like this, a band plays at it's best right, we give them cheers for their best play, but it wont be as popular as it is that moment... so you see what Im trying to say)

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Student Success Statement 

"You can't be right by doing wrong;you can't be wrong by doing right."

Respond: It's like saying you have bad feeling about this though it's wrong and if you don't have a bad feeling about anything you won't do anything wrong but if you follow through anything can go right, so just keep feeling that you CAN do it or you'll end up like a fool, don't be a clown when you can be a king. (if you keep your head to the game you will always achieve a recorded and if you try your  most hardest you might even break one.) 

Monday, February 8, 2016

Student Success Statement

"Enthusiasm makes the differences."
-Dr.Norman Vincent Peale 

Reflection: How doe's enthusiasm makes a differences, well that's easy because you can tell by describing their actions( more their characteristics the way they react to something, you can also tell by their emotional feelings and the way they talk and the way they act or if there hyper/energetic) like for an example like my self, i'm more a quiet chilling person and I don't usually don't talk anybody but only the one's that are close to me like family and friends, that's how can describe someone for there Enthusiasm( you can sort of ignore some parts of my self.)